// Solar energy

Market Master Data Register (MaStR) online now!

The Market Master Data Register (MaStR) is the register for the German electricity and gas market and is managed by the Federal Network Agency. In MaStR, the master data for electricity and gas generation plants must be registered. In addition, the master data of market players such as plant operators, grid operators, and energy suppliers must be registered. MaStR is available online not only to the authorities but also to market players and the public. At the same time, various existing registration obligations are to be bundled in the market master data register. Due to the repeated postponement of the opening of the web portal, however, the registration obligations could only be fulfilled insufficiently so far or had to be carried out for EEG plants in the plant register.
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// Solar energy

Claim for land register correction vs. legal situation in rem

A judgment on a land register correction claim does not at the same time also determine the legal situation in rem. This was decided by the BGH in a ruling of February 2018, thus positioning itself on a question that has long been controversial in jurisprudence and literature. In the specific case, legal advisers had sued on behalf of their clients for rectification of the land register, rather than for restitution of property with obtaining a corresponding priority notice. In the opinion of the BGH, this application was not far-reaching enough. Rather, a decision on the ownership situation of the property should have been requested in order to meet the interests of the clients. (BGH, judgment of 09. 02. 2018 - Az. : V ZR 299/14)
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// Solar energy

Plant summary and negative electricity prices in the EEG

At the "27th Wind Energy Day"; in Linstow on 6 November 2018, attorney Dr. Florian Brahms gave a lecture on the subject of "Summarising plants and negative electricity prices in the Renewable Energy Sources Act". Please find the presentation slides under the following link. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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// Solar energy

Simultaneous self-sufficiency in EEG 2012

Within the scope of application of the #EEG 2012, the district court Tübingen has determined that it is sufficient for self-sufficiency within the meaning of § 37 (3) sentence 2 of the EEG 2012 if the identity of persons between producer and consumer as well as the geographical proximity exist, taking into account the case law of the BFH. The principle of equality of time only came into force with the 2014 EEG and it is not possible to transfer it to the previous versions of the EEG, so that an annual netting between production and consumption can be carried out. (LG Tübingen, Decision of 14th September 2018 - Case Number.: 4 O 374/17)
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// Solar energy

“Make criteria for a customer investment more concrete”

Dr. Andreas Klemm spoke with Dr. Florian Brahms, lawyer in Berlin, published in Energie & Management, about the jurisdiction of the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf on the demarcation between the grid and the customer system. A short interview on the recent decisions that are of essential importance for contracting and the concretization of the requirements for a #customer plant in the #EnWG and are relevant for the implementation of tenant flow concepts.
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// Solar energy

Draft bill to amend the Market Master Data Register Regulations

On 27 September 2018, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) published a draft bill to amend the Market Master Data Register Regulations (MaStRV). The main (necessary) changes are as follows: Greater protection of personal data with regard to publications concerning smaller installations with an installed capacity of up to 30 kW and adjustment of deadlines for delays in the commissioning of the web portal. Registrations of market players, units, EEG and CHP plants and projects, which have been submitted within the first 24 months after the launch of the web portal, should be officially reported as punctual. In addition to linguistic smoothing, there are some fine adjustments regarding registration obligations.
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