// Heat supply

Claim for land register correction vs. legal situation in rem

A judgment on a land register correction claim does not at the same time also determine the legal situation in rem. This was decided by the BGH in a ruling of February 2018, thus positioning itself on a question that has long been controversial in jurisprudence and literature. In the specific case, legal advisers had sued on behalf of their clients for rectification of the land register, rather than for restitution of property with obtaining a corresponding priority notice. In the opinion of the BGH, this application was not far-reaching enough. Rather, a decision on the ownership situation of the property should have been requested in order to meet the interests of the clients. (BGH, judgment of 09. 02. 2018 - Az. : V ZR 299/14)
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// Heat supply

„Sustainable Building Commission”

The "Commission for Sustainable Building" presents recommendations for sustainable housing and urban development: "The federal government's housing offensive must become more ecological.".
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// Heat supply

“Make criteria for a customer investment more concrete”

Dr. Andreas Klemm spoke with Dr. Florian Brahms, lawyer in Berlin, published in Energie & Management, about the jurisdiction of the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf on the demarcation between the grid and the customer system. A short interview on the recent decisions that are of essential importance for contracting and the concretization of the requirements for a #customer plant in the #EnWG and are relevant for the implementation of tenant flow concepts.
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// Heat supply

Häufigkeit der Kehr- und Überprüfungsarbeiten

Ein Beschluss des VGH München, der auch Wohnungsbaugesellschaften betrifft: Wie oft sind Feuerungsanlagen zu überprüfen? Während § 15 der 1. BImSchVO eine Überprüfung der Feuerungsanlagen in Zwei- oder Dreijahresabständen vorsieht, soll die Überprüfung nach dem Schornsteinfegerhandwerksgesetz bzw. der Kehr- und Überprüfungsordnung einmal jährlich erfolgen. Hierin liegt kein Widerspruch, denn mit den unterschiedlich geregelten Überprüfungen werden auch unterschiedliche Zwecke verfolgt: Die immissionsschutzrechtliche Überprüfung von Abgasanlagen dient dem Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen. Die Überprüfung nach dem Schornsteinfegerhandwerksgesetz bzw. der Kehr- und Überprüfungsordnung dient der Feuersicherheit in Gestalt der Betriebs- und Brandsicherheit. Diese kann eine Anlagenüberprüfung in kürzeren Zeitabständen erfordern als der Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen. (VGH München, Beschluss v. 04.09.2018 – Az.: 22…
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Grüne Heizungsrohre in Landschaft
// Heat supply

Exclusive use (so-called “Anschluss- und Benutzungszwang”)

By decision of 13 March 2018, the OVG Münster commented on the requirements for compulsory connection and use of a district heating network. According to the decision of the OVG, it is not necessary for the municipality itself or one of its companies to operate the district heating network, but it may also be a private company supplying district heating. However, the municipality must ensure that the "character of a public institution" is preserved, i. e. in particular that the institution is also made available to the inhabitants of the municipality and that the municipality itself can exert a decisive influence on an equal right of use for citizens on reasonable terms. This is the case with the municipality's own operation.(OVG Münster, Decision ofd 13.03.2018 - 15 A 971/17)
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Heizungsrohre mit Stellrädern
// Heat supply

Heating cost accounting for actual living space

The #BGH recently decided that in the context of the heating cost account, which is according to the legal defaults of § 556a BGB in connection with § 7 BetrKV, it it depends on the actual floor space. There is nothing to the contrary, even in terms of the rental agreement. The BGH's ruling that a #rent reduction only comes into effect in the event of a deviation of 10 % of the contractually agreed total living space of the business entity, but is not transferable to the #heating costs, since it would depend on the objective residential value and not the subjective quality agreement. (BGH, Decision of 30.05.2018 - Az.: VIII ZR 220/17)
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