Windrad und blauer Himmel von unten
// Biogas

Guideline to input management 3.0

Version 3. 0 of the guideline for feed-in management of the Federal Network Agency was published on 25th June. The guideline represents the efficient implementation of feed-in management from the point of view of the Federal Network Agency within the meaning of §§ 14 and 15 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). Version 3. 0 updates the information on the calculation of compensation (hardship compensation in accordance with § 15 EEG) for feed-in management and taking into account compensation in grid fees. Version 3. 0 of the guideline can be downloaded from the of the Federal Network Agency. (BNetzA)
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Holzspäne zum verheizen
// Biogas

Accounting transit in EEG 2009

In a decision worthy of criticism in the case of the commercial-accounting transit in the #EEG 2009, the BGH decided that a #biomass cogeneration plant is only eligible for funding in the amount of the net electricity generation, i. e. after deduction of the #plant's own consumption. This also applies if the biomass cogeneration plant has purchased the #electricity requirement externally. For this the BGH strives for a trick on the #KWKG and lets a clean demarcation with the promotion systematics be missing and this always with the argument to avoid unwanted loads at the expense of the end consumer. (BGH, Urt. v. 11.4.2018 - Az.: VIII ZR 197/16)
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