// Energy supply

Häufigkeit der Kehr- und Überprüfungsarbeiten

Ein Beschluss des VGH München, der auch Wohnungsbaugesellschaften betrifft: Wie oft sind Feuerungsanlagen zu überprüfen? Während § 15 der 1. BImSchVO eine Überprüfung der Feuerungsanlagen in Zwei- oder Dreijahresabständen vorsieht, soll die Überprüfung nach dem Schornsteinfegerhandwerksgesetz bzw. der Kehr- und Überprüfungsordnung einmal jährlich erfolgen. Hierin liegt kein Widerspruch, denn mit den unterschiedlich geregelten Überprüfungen werden auch unterschiedliche Zwecke verfolgt: Die immissionsschutzrechtliche Überprüfung von Abgasanlagen dient dem Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen. Die Überprüfung nach dem Schornsteinfegerhandwerksgesetz bzw. der Kehr- und Überprüfungsordnung dient der Feuersicherheit in Gestalt der Betriebs- und Brandsicherheit. Diese kann eine Anlagenüberprüfung in kürzeren Zeitabständen erfordern als der Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen. (VGH München, Beschluss v. 04.09.2018 – Az.: 22…
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// Energy supply

Draft bill to amend the Market Master Data Register Regulations

On 27 September 2018, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) published a draft bill to amend the Market Master Data Register Regulations (MaStRV). The main (necessary) changes are as follows: Greater protection of personal data with regard to publications concerning smaller installations with an installed capacity of up to 30 kW and adjustment of deadlines for delays in the commissioning of the web portal. Registrations of market players, units, EEG and CHP plants and projects, which have been submitted within the first 24 months after the launch of the web portal, should be officially reported as punctual. In addition to linguistic smoothing, there are some fine adjustments regarding registration obligations.
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// Energy supply

German-French Office for Energy Revolution

We have joined the German-French Office for the Energy Turnaround in order to provide legal and scientific support for the energy turnaround not only in Germany but also in France via the DFBEW platform. After joining the Forum Contracting e. V. and the Bundesverband Energiespeicher e. V. (German Energy Storage Association) (BVES), we are intensifying our commitment to a climate-friendly and sustainable energy supply by transferring knowledge, advising and supporting associations and platforms in order to meet the interests of our increasingly international client structure.
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Flugzeug landet in der Nacht
// Energy supply

EEG-levy in closed distribution network

In its decision of 16 July 2018, the Higher Regional Court of Hamm decided that the EEG levy also applies to electricity that is lost due to physical network losses between delivery to the closed distribution network and withdrawal of the connected final consumer. It´s not relevant whether and how the final consumer uses the electricity after delivery to the closed distribution network - in this case to the network of an airport distribution network - in the opinion of the court for the emergence of the claim to the EEG levy. In the context of the allocation system, delivery to the distribution grid is the last step. (OLG Hamm, Decicion of 16.07.2018 - Az.: 8 U 119/17)
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Stahlplatte für Gas
// Energy supply

EU Commission approves EEG levy exemption for CHP

The #EU Commission has approved the partial exemption for the year 2018 from the #EEG levy for the #own supply of electricity from cogeneration plants (in short: CHP). Electricity generated in a #CHP plant and consumed by the operator himself in close proximity to the #generation plant is therefore only 40 % of the EEG levy. It is to be welcomed that the Commission has approved an exemption for the cogeneration plant, but the exemption is only to be criticised for 2018, as this does not provide investment security and the necessary expansion is not achieved.
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Grüne Heizungsrohre in Landschaft
// Energy supply

Exclusive use (so-called “Anschluss- und Benutzungszwang”)

By decision of 13 March 2018, the OVG Münster commented on the requirements for compulsory connection and use of a district heating network. According to the decision of the OVG, it is not necessary for the municipality itself or one of its companies to operate the district heating network, but it may also be a private company supplying district heating. However, the municipality must ensure that the "character of a public institution" is preserved, i. e. in particular that the institution is also made available to the inhabitants of the municipality and that the municipality itself can exert a decisive influence on an equal right of use for citizens on reasonable terms. This is the case with the municipality's own operation.(OVG Münster, Decision ofd 13.03.2018 - 15 A 971/17)
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